The Medicinal Plants Of Myanmar

The Medicinal Plants Of Myanmar


The knowledge of the flora is still growing, as the native status of many species is incomplete. Traditional medicine is widely practiced in Myanmar by the majority of the population either as an alternate or as a supplement to modern medicine . Old Burmese scriptures that contain medical traditions and health problems in addition to religious matters are written in a Burmese alphabet and language than can only be translated with special training. Sesayas are practitioners of local medical traditions whose knowledge has been handed down through their ancestors. Sesayas and their helpers prepare medicines in laboratories in their own homes.

Europe and Asia; considered a cosmopolitan weed. In Myanmar, grows naturally in cold places at high altitudes, such as Pyin-oo-lwin and surrounding areas. A polymorphic species centered in the Mediterranean region. Naturalized elsewhere, including northern Africa; northern, middle, and southeastern Europe; also cultivated. In India the leaf is used as a cardiac stimulant and tonic . In India the bark is used as a liniment for rheumatism , and as a contraceptive .

What do you think of a baby boomer taking Gundry Vital Reds? I am a recent survivor of breast cancer and am thinking about ordering these vital reds to my daily regime. I do not take any other supplements or vitamins. Hi, Would you be able to share how you healed the leaky gut? Have read much on this but would love to know from your experience.

Eventually, he was able to tolerate duck eggs, sourdough bread and he still avoids sugar. He also developed dizziness during that time, that I figured out was from not absorbing B12 from his food. I would ask your doctor about some of the side effects of your medications causing digestive issues and consider using probiotics and digestive enzymes. Xanax boosts GABA to lower glutamate, which is how it helps sleep.

If you are sensitive or allergic to iodine, it is important to find out why your body is rejecting a mineral that your body requires. You may be having issues with sodium/iodide symporters. If they are defective, vitamin C has been shown to improve the symporters. Sarcoidosis is similar in that it is the faulty immune system, not vitamin D itself that is the problem.

I have always been thin and put on weight that wouldn’t come off despite barely eating and still doing what exercise I could.. After eight months I stopped eating solid food. Doctors did not help.,I got weaker and weaker but lost no weight. As an experiment I stoped all forms of cannibis.

I’m very sorry to hear your grandma is struggling right now. If she is taking blood thinners, you want to avoid vitamin K. This would make the O.N.E multivitamin the best choice. Make sure to run it by your doctor first just in case so he or she can check for any potential interactions with the other medications. Muscle pain is a side effect of CoQ10 induced deficiency from statins.

If you take a closer look at weight loss, you’ll see that this is the case. There are thousands of dedicated niche blogs, endless products, and supplements on sale, many robust affiliate programs, and more. Google Trends tells a completely different story here.

Is this just a false sense of security or a mis-diagnosis? Just looking for some help from someone who knows…. In China the leaves are eaten to aid digestion and the sap, or the entire plant, is used as a remedy for poisonous insect bite;. The fruit pulp and seeds are considered cooling, tonic, and pectoral. In Indo-China the wood is used as a sedative to treat convulsions, boiled leaves are given to both animals and women to activate the secretion of milk, and the sap is considered antisyphilitic and a vermifuge. On the Malay Peninsula and in the Philippines, the ashes of the leaves, with or without oil, are applied to treat ulcers and wounds .

Hey just read your comment I’ve had the same symptoms and was diagnosed with Gastroparesis I’ve been smoking for 5 years. I have found very little info on marijuanas likeliness to cause gastroparesis from acedemic journals/the internet. Just want to know if I might have been misdiagnosed. I have found that they are more interested in the person than the money and so their prices are usually much lower and the quality of care much higher. The RSO definitely works for my PTSD because I have zero symptoms of it left. I’ve also done psychotherapy for it while being on cannabis and helped solve many of the triggers.

Typically multivitamins contain the same B-vitamin profile as a B-complex. Some people like to separate supplements based on dosing. For example, if you wanted a higher dose of magnesium and vitamin C than provided in a multivitamin, it may make more sense to take a B-complex with magnesium and vitamin C. For CoQ10, the dosage does range based on current health issues or the use of statin drugs.

Thoughts On pancreas Healing: 5 Steps To Pancreas Healing After Acute Pancreatitis

In Myanmar found in Bago, Mandalay, and Yangon. The plant has been found to contain cardiotonic glycosides . Reported chemical constituents are tabernaemontanine, coronarine, coronaridine, and dregamine; alkaloids also occur in all of the vegetative parts . Researchers report cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines (Kardono et al. 1990), as well as molluscicidal and antibacterial activity (Hamburger et al. 1991).

I don’t know if I should request to be tested or if it’s even worth the trouble at this point. It feels a little like expecting a reprieve…I’m not sure there’s any point How are Vegan CBD Gummies made? to it. Nigel July 14, 2016G’day Kathy, For what it’s worth my pancreatic attacks were caused by a migrating gall stone that entered and blocked the pancreatic duct.

Conservation And Sustainability Of Medicinal Plant Species

Also cultivated; propagated by seeds and cuttings. In Myanmar, found in Chin, Kachin, Mandalay, and Yangon. The bark contains the alkaloids pelletierine, isopelletierine, methylpelletierine, pseudopelletierine, and considerable tannin; it has also been reported that the plant has a bacteriostatic effect .

Been a daily stoner for 4yrs and about 2yrs ago started experiencing the said symptoms . Well guys, I promise I will come back in 1 month and reply to this comment with results. It seems many people have my same exact story but they don’t update us so we will never know.

This one contains artificial flavor, potentially synthetic beta-carotene, magnesium oxide, cupric oxide , synthetic vitamin E, yellow dye #5, FD&C yellow 36 lake, soybean oil and zinc oxide. The poor form of B6 , folate and B12 are also used. Synthetic vitamin E has been shown to have little or no anticancer effectiveness, and may even increase prostate cancer. Centrum uses the oxide form of magnesium, which only 4% is absorbed. I spent years designing this software while in clinical practice, and it has been by far the most useful testing I’ve done on people to help determine the best dietary and supplemental approach. Click on the images below to read more or go to Nutrition Genome.

In China the species is used internally to treat dysentery; also to improve eyesight . In Malaysia it is used for pain, especially arthritic pain; in Indonesia it is used externally to treat bruises, fractures, and arthritis; and in Korea, China, Taiwan, and Indo-China it is used internally to treat dysentery . This allows time for inflammation to subside and for the lesion to become visible on ultrasound. Because this imaging modality allows the veterinarian to assess an injury’s chronicity and size, performing repeated exams during the rehab period can help guide rehabilitation and treatment protocols. Ultrasound is also the most sensitive indicator of impending reinjury from an overly aggressive exercise regimen.

In India the leaf is used for headache; also ground with leaves of Commelinabengalensis and applied as a plaster for sores on head. The root is used for rheumatism; ground with black pepper and used for involuntary cramps; and ground with leaves, roots, bulb, and bark of various other species, and given to drink with refuse of molasses for gravel . In Indo-China this species is used in a decoction as a remedy for leucorrhea . C.fistula bark, leaves and seeds contain chrysarobin, an irritant and allergen (Lan et al. 1998).

It has the properties of an emmenagogue, purgative, anthelmintic, antiscorbutic, antihemorrhagic, and a diaphoretic. It is used as a remedy for dropsy, tympanites, and anemia . Externally it serves either as a poultice or a wash for skin diseases, abscesses, and tumors, as well as severe wounds ; also an insecticide.

What will work really depends on what’s causing the high blood pressure. For example, there is research on magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, CoQ10, potassium, C, E and carotenoids lowering blood pressure. But for these to work, a deficiency or imbalance is Hochwertiges CBD-Öl kaufen typically occurring. Since this started 7 years ago, I suspect an estrogen/oxidative stress connection to elevated blood pressure and issues with the thyroid. My doctor has me taking Vitamin D3 supplements due to low levels of V-D in my blood tests.

My triglycerides were high going in, but they’re down now. I haven’t touched beef, fats or dairy since and don’t plan on until I talk with a gastro. I’ve been really healthy and I’ve had some constipation and heartburn, sometimes a little nausea to go with if I drink water. January 17, 2016Hi Kaspars – sorry you are ill. Sometimes gas and/or other stomach related issues, organ failure and more are either symptoms or complications of pancreatitis. Sugar isn’t the best since it can cause an inflammatory response BUT I have never found it to be an issue UNLESS it is sugar alcohol.

But if you identify it early and treat it the right way, then recovery is possible. A suspensory ligament injury in horses is as important as a tendon injury. In many cases, there is nothing abnormal to feel and the vet will have to use a nerve block to eliminate the lower limb as a source of pain and also determine How Does Delta 10 Make You Feel? that the pain is coming from just below the back of the knee. Damage at the top of the suspensory ligament invariably causes lameness — varying from mild to severe — which, if the horse rests, can improve rapidly. The lameness tends to be worst when the horse moves in circles with the affected limb on the outside.

We know that with diabetes, the cells become resistant to insulin causing the pancreas to increase the amount of insulin released. What people may not know, is that in Alzheimer’s the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and personality also becomes resistant to insulin. These include nighttime pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids, antidepressants, incontinence drugs and narcotic pain relievers.

I am 55 and play a lot of golf so am in the sun quite a bit . I am taking 5000IU of Vita Optimum and have tried other brands, but can’t seem to get my levels up enough to where the doctor would like to see them. I don’t know if it is the type I am taking or what.

It’s possible to experience negative side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Some people are resistant to antibiotics, which can complicate traditional approaches to treatment. As a result, interest in natural treatments is growing.

In China, in addition to the uses of juice from the fresh plant previously mentioned, the seeds are eaten as an anthelmintic. In Indo-China the plant is used to treat blennorrhea in women . I have smoked pot for over 2 decades first recreationally and then medically.

Herbal extracts are phototoxic to Saccharomycescerevisiae. “The aqueous extract is said to be efficacious as a vasodilator, sedative and hypotensive. Since it inhibits the sympatheric nervous system, it is used to relieve excitement and insomnia.” It is thought that the essential oil may be nearly pure borneol, or 75% camphor and 25% borneol . The essential oil contains a trace of camphor, and sesquiterpenes, ishwarene, ishwarone, and ishwarol The roots contain an alkaloid, aristolochine, a yellow bitter principle, isoaristolochic acid, and allantoin . The species is reported to be employed for toothache . A decoction of the plant is used in Indo-China the first 15 days of puerperium .

My job involves extraction and processing of thc oil . And i like to smoke spliff (20% tobacco, 80% weed). I thought, i had constipation coz i waste a lot of time in the restroom and my further research give me idea that i might have fecal impaction . I feel my stomach dry and bloated.i tried laxatives, enema but didnt made my stomach healthy. I am still smoking and the culprit might be the weed ,, not sure tho… need to stop for sometime and see the result. I was thinking that the weed might slow down the muscles of the intestine and upset the stomach.

I don’t know the reason of my attack.Please help. Carrie F. October 19, 2016Thank you so much for your blog. I had my first attack of AP two years ago – doctors said it was gallstones and removed À quoi m’attendre la première fois que je prendrai un bonbon CBD ? my gallbladder. I followed a very strict low-fat, vegetarian diet with lots of exercise and then became suddenly ill again with AP in May. Since then, I was diagnosed with pancreatic divisium.

Cure 3: Herbs For Stomach Ulcer

If it weren’t for HG giving up his time to run this site, I don’t know how I would of got through this last 9 months. Stay strong stay positive and keep all those good people at home and on this site close to you. December 1, 2016Hi Nino – I should think that your bout with acute pancreatitis would have been a real wake up call. It sounds like you may be one of the lucky who can heal up and maybe eat normal (IF you don’t cause yourself more problems). I’d definitely quit drinking and watch my diet for a while to let that pancreas heal up.

A macerate of the leaves is taken to treat trypanosomiasis, and is externally applied as a lotion to tse-tse fly bites. In the Comoros the powdered bark is applied to the skin in cases of broken bones before a plaster is applied, to improve healing. Bark powder is used externally in the treatment of skin disease; bark juice, together with coconut oil, is taken to treat colic.

For those with low stomach acid or gastritis and may have trouble absorbing B12, you may require sublingual B12 from Seeking Health in addition to this supplement due to the low B12 content. Remember to take your multivitamin with food so that you absorb the carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. What you decide to add to this base will depend on where you need to focus. For the older generations, this includes mainly digestive health, cognitive function, bone health, eye health and heart health. Below I have outlined how to customize your program.Below I have outlined how to customize your program.

All signs point to low intestine motility caused by my body being unable to produce my own cannabinoids. On the 13th day, I decided to try vaping again to find out for sure if it was an issue with edibles or just cannabis consumption in general. I found that immediately after smoking, my bowel movements were healthy again and all my symptoms were gone. This meant that my issues were directly related to cannabis. Like so many who have commented here, I have been having stomach and digestive track problems. I went to my doctor and suggested that a study be done on weed and abdominal issues.

My MRI showed I have gall stones and will probably have my gall bladder removed within the next couple of weeks. They didnt do it then because I would have been in the hospital for at least another 5 days and I needed to get home. I didnt eat anything in the bospital for the first 3 days then was on clear liquids. I did fine in the evening so the next day I had a turkey sandwhich, soup, salad and fruit. Ive been so hungry since I got home and have been eating a lot but am eating low fat and being careful. I got home Thursday evening and have had zero problems.

It pisses me off, I go to see the doctors and they simply throw more medications at me with side effect lists longer than my arm. Half the medications they give me have such brutal side effects listed that its scary to even use them, plus they just don’t seem to work, I have tried. I have never dealt Cannabis to anyone and never will, I have never been involved in a violent crime, I have never stolen anything to feed my smoking habit,, I have worked and paid tax all of my adult life so far.

Medicinal uses of the species in Indo-China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Admiralty Island, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands are discussed in Perry . The application may be the poisonous juice of the fruit, the raw seed grated or macerated, or roasted, powdered CBD Pain Cream and mixed with coconut oil . Of the 355 species that have received national and global assessments, 101 species were deemed threatened , 66 Near Threatened, 257 Least Concerned, and 29 Data Deficient . Just under 25% have not been assessed at any scale.

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family

On the other hand, omeprazole starts to kick in after four days of its use, which is why its considered to be a long-term treatment. Omeprazole alternatives offer additional options for medication that treats stomach problems. Usually, these problems are linked to excess acid, like gastritis or stomach ulcers. Depending on location, doctors can and do prescribe cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines. Recommended daily allowance is not relevant to whether or not a substance is, or can be prescribed as, a medicine – it’s more of a guideline for food products and food supplements.

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Of the threatened species listed in the IUCN Red List, the Endangered species Coptisteeta is found in three botanic gardens and the Endangered Cupressusgoveniana is found in 45 botanic gardens. The Vulnerable Aquilariamalaccensis is found in five gardens while the Vulnerable Santalumalbum is found in 22 gardens. IUCN conservation assessments of the medicinal plant species treated in this study .

Reported chemical constituents include fixed oil, lethicin, choline, phytin, globulin, sesamin, and the amino acid arginine . In India the bark is employed for rheumatism and pneumonia; the leaf as a decoction for eye sores; the fruit for liver problems . In India the root is used for dysentery and diarrhea; it is an astringent, aromatic, antispasmodic, stomachic and carminative . In Hainan and North Vietnam, as well as on the Malay Peninsula, a decoction of the leaves is given to treat cholera; the seeds are poisonous .

Sensi Seeds

The leaves and seeds of Taxus species contain the alkaloid taxine which is poisonous, “and while Taxus is sometimes used as medicine this also has caused instances of poisoning” . This list contains 123 families, 367 genera, and 472 species of medicinal plants. Of the 472 species, only 63 (13%) have been assessed for conservation status in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Figure ​ . Botanical exploration of the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar , which spans both tropical and subtropical biomes, began in the 1880s when the country was under the rule of the British (Kress et al. 2003).

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I threw up for the first time the other day and reading your comments are really eye opening and frightening all at the same time. So since I haven’t used it for years like some have said I’m wondering why I’m feeling like this after just a few months? I suffer from ibs already but it’s really bad now. I don’t really want to stop because it’s really helping with the pain. January 21, 2017Hi Lisa – Praise God for His healing power! If you’ve been diagnosed with CP it’s a life-long deal.

If drinking seems to make the pain worse you might consider quitting booze. If it is your pancreas booze is not a good thing. The symptoms of EPI seem to be less on a low fat diet. But then everything having to do with the biliary system seems to respond to less fat in the diet. If you have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis I am sorry to say there is no cure.

Perry discusses the medicinal uses of this species in East and Southeast Asia. Duke notes use the species for dermatosis, scabies, and leprosy. Crushed leaves are cooling and used as a disinfectant by indigenous cultures. From southern China to Guam, they are used on suppurating boils, wounds, skin diseases, burns, scalds, corns, and also for rheumatism, neuralgia, and pain. Leaves are placed on the forehead for headaches, and on the chest for cough and pain.

In Taiwan it is used to treat heart complaints, cholera, gonorrhea, irregular menstruation, and snakebites. In the Philippines, ash from the rhizome is applied to wounds and ulcers . In India the leaf is used as a resolvent and the root as an aperient . The medicinal uses of this plant in the Caribbean region, as well as its chemistry, biological activity, toxicity, and dosages, are discussed by Germosén-Robineau . In Indo-China the seed as an alexiteric, and oil from the seed is used on snakebites;.

I am taking your advice and fasting for the next 5 days – on day 2 of water only. I can’t seem to find unsweetened grapefruit juice. Taking grape seed extract and vit C and the ibuprofen. Jan January 21, 2016I’m so glad I found this information….a life-saver…liquid diet and grape-seed extract are truly a godsend. I have ulcers plus the acute pancreatitis, so ibuprofen/aspirin are out of the question, but noticed the grape-seed is great.

So it would be wise to start the diet because the diet coupled with grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C can put it in remission, even help regenerate certain cells once the inflammation is resolved. So yes, I believe the pancreas can heal but again there is no cure for chronic pancreatitis. Worldwide medicinal usage, chemical constituents, and toxicity of this species are discussed by Duke .

Later in my life I’d say my reason for smoking Cannabis were to help me escape certain traumatic experiences that happened within my life. I finally connected the fact that my bowels have been griping like crazy since I started. Painful run up to the morning poop, often now two or three times.

I have had every test in the world with no diagnosis. My question is when you smoke are symptoms noticeable right away or is it subtle over time ? Is it noticeably better after a warm shower or bath? Do you sometimes feel normal and then the symptoms keep coming back? I love MJ but I am contemplating the quit to see if i feel better. I eat extremely well, exercise consistently and take very good care of my body.

I don’t understand why I keep getting this awful thing. I’m trying to keep a good/symptom diary, but that’s not easy. I’m happy to see you have a plan for that, which I will check out.

It makes me really sad that millions use this drug medically for a long time and there is only online anecdotal information. Hasn’t it been legal in Holland for a long time. Hey at least there’s plenty of medical information on opiate pain killers, why are they still using them…money. Sativex looks like an interesting new pain killer. Finally the science community can get their head out of their church going assess and do some real science.

Other frequent uses are as a diuretic and laxative, for cold and cough, and also for boils . In India an infusion of the leaf is used for menstrual troubles . In China the whole plant is used for abdominal pain, cold, diarrhea, halitosis, headache, and nausea . Medicinal uses of the species in China, on the Malay Peninsula, and in the Philippines are discussed in Perry . In India the leaf is used as a diuretic, for nephrosis, and for edema; also used in an infusion for kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism . The medicinal uses of the species from Taiwan south to Palau, in the Philippines, and on the Malay Penisula are discussed in Perry .

In Myanmar, grown mostly in Shan State as a cultivated plant. In India the root of the species is used for dropsy . The medicinal uses of his species in India are discussed in Jain and DeFilipps . In East and Southeast Asia, primarily the leaves are used for poulticing fresh wounds, sprained limbs, swellings, abscesses, boils, and headache .

The Medicinal Plants Of Myanmar

Pain in abdomen increased, lots of trips to the hospital for morphine injections. Finally too much pain so they couldn’t ignore it any more. My previous issues were being masked by my back pain. Operation; spinal fusion after waiting for nearly 2 years in bed on ridiculous amounts of painkillers that barely kept me conscious. Couldn’t even bare lights or other people in the room with me due to the intensity of the pain.

Glycinate is the best form for sleep and higher doses. If acid reflux is an issue, you need to build bone health or digestion is suboptimal, use the calcium/magnesium product. If you have been instructed to avoid beta carotene, alpha-tocopherol, copper or boron by your doctor, this is the only formula I know of that also uses methylated B-vitamins.

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The heartwood is applied in a thick decoction for cancerous sores . In China the resin is used as a febrifuge, sialogogue, stimulant, styptic, antiphlogistic, astringent, corrective, and expectorant . Perry also discusses the medicinal uses of the species in China. The chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, and use of this species Paislee as a hunting poison and medicinal plant in Africa are discussed by Neuwinger . Most parts of the tree are astringent, but the powdered rind of the dried fruit is the most efficacious. In India, Indo-China south including Indonesia and the Philippines, the bark and fruit are used in the same ways as they are in Myanmar.

Most everything I just said is in this post you commented on or on this site somewhere. I know being ill sucks so hope you soon feel better. If you have specific questions ask and I’ll do my best to answer. November 23, 2016Hi Howard – sorry to hear you have joined the club.

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